I'm still probably going to subsume it for Gloom, but it at least now provides some use outside of low level missions. I see where the change to her passive and Riptide are useful, but I personally see little benefit from the passive change (as I'm constantly tapping my strafe keys to the beat of music) and feel like Riptide, while now a decent, albeit expensive defensive grouping tool, is still a bit too slow to use particularly often for mobile blasting.
#Yareli subsume skin
Merulina, with the 4 seconds of damage immunity, now allows Yareli to maintain 100% uptime on damage immunity (4 seconds when mounting, 1 second when dismounting) basically the reason Rhino cannot re-cast Iron Skin but it locking her momentum and preventing her from shooting while mounting/dismounting makes it annoying enough to spam that that particular use case is more for emergencies rather than general use. Sea Snares applying the damage multiplier through CC immunity (and overguard) is very nice, and is now a solid, cheap way to help shred tanky enemies. I quite like the changes to Merulina and Sea Snares. (#s "Text"), which will appear as Spoiler: or
#Yareli subsume update
Update 33.5: The Seven Crimes of Kullervo.The Kdrive stuff is still super scuffed in normal tilesets and her Focus gains are bugged (doesn't even spawn Focus orbs on Merulina), but she's perfectly usable as a general frame for random missions. Her passive/secondary are her main source of damage, but her 3 and 4 are still relevant sources of damage even in early steel path.
#Yareli subsume plus
Her main value add is as a roaming Gloom aura CC bot plus enemy grouping with her 4. She is an unkillable tank (at least up until the point where you need to iframe cheese everything), but she does it through stacked damage reduction (Merulina + mods) and crowd control (Gloom), not lifesteal. I've never had to get off Merulina to heal, always outlasting Merulina's health bar, and I have no energy issues beyond the initial energy generation at the start of a mission. Energy management is Primed Flow and Arcane Energize.

I have balanced positive range and duration and neutral efficiency. Adaptation with Umbral Vitality protects Yareli under Merulina's health bar. I have her with just enough strength to cap Gloom (with Growing Power, which is easy to use because Gloom snapshots). Negative range effectively neuters the utility from both Gloom and her 4 which are by far her two most useful abilities. Range also benefits her 4, giving it actual utility for grouping up enemies. You want positive range so Gloom actually works as CC. Then you're just complaining because your build sucks.