"The Dawnkeep Prisoner" quest is no longer required for completing The Unseen Guests chapter of the Chains of Domination campaign.Fixed an issue that caused some players actively engaging in combat inside the Robodrome from being Zapped by the anti-exploit starting area lasers.Fixed an issue that could cause the Mawforged Goliath's Aura of Violence to apply to player pets and guardians.Fixed an issue that caused the portal from Throne of the Damned to The Pinnacle of Domination to be active during the encounter.Wailing Arrow and Black Arrow should no longer fail to cast on targets who become invisible.Fixed an issue that caused hunter’s Feign Death to remove the visual of Shadowsteel Chains for other players.Added death gates to assist in traversing through the Sanctum of Domination.Fixed an issue that prevented Echoing Reprimand (Kyrian Ability) from granting the proper duration to Envenom when consumed.Fixed an issue that prevented Serrated Bone Spike (Necrolord Ability) from refunding a charge when targets die after being affected by the ability multiple times.Serrated Bone Spike (Necrolord Ability) will no longer remove itself after a short duration on some targets such as target dummies.Earth and Fire spirits now properly remove themselves from crowd-control effects when the Storm spirit activates effects such as Gladiator's Medallion.Fixed an issue that could prevent the Demon Hunter from gaining Fury/Pain with Consume Magic.Fixed an issue that caused Blood Moon (PvP Talent) to fail to grant the Demon Hunter leech.This means that Burning Blossoms, which expire after being held for 14 days, may disappear if they were collected in the first two days of the event and then never spent. The Midsummer Fire Festival has been configured to run for 16 days, in order to give players a little extra time to complete its many quests.The tooltip for Shards of Domination bonuses have been updated to more clearly indicate that the Rune Words are only active in the Maw or related areas.We also took the opportunity to recalibrate Timewalking experience and increase it. The intent is for all Timewalking weeks to give comparable experience – we put in a quick fix last night and have deployed the proper fix today. Developers’ note: There was a bug introduced in 9.1 that caused Timewalking to give much more completion experience than the UI advertised, ramping up more the lower-level the base expansion was, which is why this wasn’t noticed with Warlords of Draenor Timewalking a few weeks ago.Increased experience earned from Timewalking dungeon completion by 50%.Resolved an issue that allowed Monks to activate Transcendence: Transfer while crowd-controlled by certain types of effects.Fixed an issue where Lone Empowerment (Kyrian Ability) was not granting additional Mastery via Kindred Affinity (Runecarving Effect).Resolved an issue that caused Blood Moon (PvP Talent) to dispel two Magic effects from the initial target.This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, Burning Crusade Classic and WoW Classic.